Why is video content important for social media?

Because we love to see visually before getting. Our brain receives and processes visual information faster than reading or listening. After all, it is fun to see interesting content.  

When thinking of social media content ideas, we should also include videos.

A lot of people watch videos on social media. According to Cisco, video content accounted for 80% of all user traffic in 2020. Video content for social media is still popular today: 83% of marketers surveyed would like to create video content if they had the time and money.

When developing video content for social media, leveraging branded enterprise AI videos can significantly enhance your storytelling skills and add a sophisticated touch to your marketing strategy. These AI-powered videos, tailored explicitly to your brand’s guidelines, ensure consistent and engaging content across platforms.

How to create video content for social media

There are several factors to consider when launching an effective video marketing campaign.

A lot depends on your professional ability, storytelling skills as well as the type of video you want to release.

For example, suppose you want to run a commercial to promote your new product or service. In that case, you will need to conduct extensive market research, arrange interviews, conduct surveys, and post videos.

You can easily prepare a video detailing a niche if you know the niche you are targeting.

For example, if you have a real estate social media account, you can get very creative in how you showcase your ads in a video. Your social media audience will be able to get a better idea of ​​the look and feel of the place.

For real estate professionals, combining engaging social media video content with a professional website can significantly boost your business. To successfully create a real estate website, you need to choose the best builder that aligns with your needs and provides valuable features like IDX listings and MLS access. This makes it easier for potential clients to find and navigate your offerings online.

You can also include product features as well as consumer and customer testimonials in your social media video content as a way of boosting customer loyalty. This will give your viewer's product knowledge and build trust with audience.

You must use your video to provide entertainment value as well as facts and present it in a way that is enjoyable for the viewer and for you of course.

Keep in mind you should always post relevant content.

What are the best types of Video Content for Social Media?

Generally speaking, there are four main types of video content based on the duration on almost all social media platforms:

  • Stories:     Short videos that disappear after 24 hours are called stories. Stories are available on Facebook, Instagram Stories, Twitter, TikTok Stories, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
  • Short Videos: TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are the best examples of short videos format. These videos range in length from 5 seconds to 1 minute and are usually repetitive.
  • Long Videos: These videos can be posted on Instagram IGTV, YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Long videos are those that are longer than a minute.
  • Live Streams: Live streams and webinars are uncut videos that is streamed in real-time. Facebook, Instagram Live, TikTok Live, YouTube, and LinkedIn have their own versions.

Therefore, the first step you should take to create a video is to identify the social media platform that is best suited for your business and niche.

You can then post videos based on the video options of your chosen platform.

Incorporating video into your social media strategy is important for building stronger relationships with your followers.

While the video production process may seem like a big deal, shooting video content for your brand does not necessarily mean a big budget.

In this article, we will give you 8 tips on how to get more engagement with a video marketing strategy.

9 Social Media Video Making Tips to Increase Engagement

Now that you know the importance of launching a successful video marketing strategy, it's time to check out some helpful tips on how to get more engagement from your videos.

When creating video content for social media, here are 8 helpful tips that every creator or brand should keep in mind:

1. Shoot High Definition Video

With the rise of video on social media, consumers and platforms have come to expect high-quality content.

Some platforms, such as Instagram, restrict their users from posting low-quality videos.

Yes, it's true!

Instagram recently announced that its Reels algorithm will prioritize fuzzy and low-resolution videos in order to show them to a wider audience.

To maintain high video quality, you should:

  • Use a suitable light source, such as a bright window with plenty of natural light, or purchase an inexpensive ring light for brighter, clearer images.
  • Record sound in a quiet room with good acoustics. This can be achieved by using furniture and soft objects in the room to absorb sound and eliminate echoes.
  • Use a tripod, stand, or even a stack of books when taking social media photos to keep your camera or phone stable and not ruin your video.
  • Clean the lens if you are shooting with your phone.
  • Edit videos on iPhone and Android if you shoot on your phone.

For the best quality video output, it is also important to make sure that the video file format is supported by the platform. Veed is here to help with its feature video converter, where you can convert files from MKV to MP4 and MOV to MP4. This ensures that the video files are of the highest quality and can be easily shared on social media.

2. Start With a Powerful Hook

The first few seconds of your video are critical; If you don't get the user's attention in the first few seconds, there's a good chance they'll stop watching your video.

A powerful hook is the most effective way to grab viewers' attention and increase engagement.

What's more, a powerful opening leads to the topic of your video. You can start with an exciting question or a key takeaway.

The most important aspect of your video hook is being direct and concise, as this will encourage viewers to keep watching.

Look at successful video marketers and pay attention to the hooks they use to keep their audience's attention on social media.

3. Create Structure

The most successful social media content marketing videos have a simple structure. You can achieve this by grouping and limiting your video to three parts.

These three parts are the beginning, middle and end. Learn how to script videos for social media if you want to keep your audience watching till the end.

One of the benefits of a video with a beginning, middle, and end is that viewers are more likely to enter into a discussion, leave a message, or share a video with their followers if they can easily follow it.

4. Be present in your videos

One thing that can really affect your engagement rate is when you appear on your video content for social media.

This will help you build trust with your audience by encouraging interaction through comments, likes, and shares. Try to be creative with your video content ideas for social media.

Moreover, people will see you and recognize you as a person.

They no longer see commercials that can make them think your company doesn't have a personal voice.

As a result, your customers will form better relationships with your brand and are more likely to stay in touch with you for a longer time.

For example, check out how this Levis's video allows the viewer to see the jeans being sewn behind the scenes. Providing information on how to use your product is a great way to increase engagement in your videos.

5. Add Subtitles & Text Content

Here are situations where subtitles can save your video from being ignored:

  • When your audience has a hearing impairment
  • Your audience's native language is different from yours, and they haven't developed their listening skills well enough yet.
  • People are in a public place without headphones, headsets, and speakerphone

While some social media platforms like Facebook, IGTV, and YouTube automatically generate subtitles, Instagram Reels require you to do it manually. Good news, According to the latest TikTok updates, the platform is rolling out automatic subtitles for users whether the content creator manually adds them or not.

On the other hand, both apps have simple text editing programs.

What's more, even if your video is just background music, consider adding text content to give viewers more meaning and encourage them to follow your video.

Pro Tip: To create consistent branding across your social media video content, make sure you use the same font, colors, and style for every post.

6. Make Your Video Mobile Responsive

Mobile-friendly social networking sites have been redesigned to be mobile responsive. Having a mobile video is essential.

Instagram, for example, doesn't make it easy for regular users to upload content to their desktop version unless they use Instagram's management services.

When creating videos, not optimizing for mobile devices is a critical mistake. If you post content that is only suitable for horizontal and not square format, your followers are unlikely to take the time to view it.

Most of your audience use their phones to check social media and rarely use their desktop computer to post or scroll through Instagram.

7. Add a Few Pinch of Fun 🥳

This tip is something that many businesses overlook.

People want to watch or read content that makes them laugh, smile, or feel connected to it.

Don't just send out marketing texts and promotional videos related to your sales.

Storytelling and human interaction are essential for video content to resonate, which is what helps create compelling videos.

It is very important to share video content that is not exclusively related to your business. It takes a little more effort to ensure it's relevant to your audience, but it's worth it.

There are various ways to create videos for your company on the internet, and you can check out the tips and techniques for making business videos on any search engine. It also helps when you have a consistent flow of content on your social media profiles.

There are also many online tutorials to help you create videos for your company.

It is important to note that you should not overload your audience with product videos. Be as creative as possible in your choice of subjects for recording and production.

There are several methods for creating a business video, but the most common is the viral method.

You can use this tool to record a video and then post it on social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook.

To share the video with their friends, people can copy and paste the link into their message boards or emails.

It's an easy way to spread the fun

8. Keep your videos short and to the point

Creating short and relevant videos for your company is an important way to get your message across to potential clients and buyers.

You can easily make amazing short business videos that will impress even the largest audience by choosing an inexpensive and quality service.

Your video content needs to be accessible and engaging enough to keep the viewer's attention. Informative videos don't always have to be long. If your content is short and to the point, that's fine.

9. Script your videos

Many confident speakers overlook this part and improvise. Let’s admit that we can differentiate between who is rambling and who talks exactly to the point in videos. Definitely write a video script for short and long videos before starting to film them, read them out loud, and then start to film your next amazing video.

You can write a full video script read from there or create bullet points as a direction. If you forget any part of your long videos, don’t hesitate to check your notes. This marks videos more authentic and lets your audience know how much you care about your videos and how much prepared for them.

If you want to go one step further in social media automation, consdier using Planly's Facebook content scheduler.

10. Utilize Interactive Elements

Social media platforms are increasingly supporting interactive features like polls, quizzes, and calls-to-action (CTAs) within videos. By incorporating these interactive elements, you can engage directly with viewers and encourage them to participate actively rather than passively consume content. For instance, Instagram allows you to add interactive stickers in Stories, and Facebook offers various interactive tools for Live videos. These features can help in collecting feedback, understanding viewer preferences, and keeping the audience engaged throughout the video, leading to higher retention rates and better engagement metrics.

Utilize current trends and popular hashtags to make your video content more discoverable and relevant. By tapping into the current conversations, memes, or challenges that are already engaging your target audience, you can increase the likelihood of your content resonating with viewers. However, it's essential to stay true to your brand voice and only participate in trends that align with your brand values. Also, use platform-specific trending hashtags to improve the visibility of your videos in searches and explore pages.

By using tools like Planly you can elevate your video content by tapping into trending conversations and using relevant hashtags with its intuitive hashtag suggestion and analytics feature. Planly can help you identify and leverage trending hashtags that align with your content and brand values, increasing your content’s visibility and engagement.

By analyzing which hashtags are currently popular within your target audience, Planly ensures that your videos gain maximum exposure and resonate with viewers who are already interested in similar topics.

Ending notes

Overall, with its complex mix of audio and visual elements, video content for social media is a powerful means of spreading your brand story and delivering value to your audience. Creating optimal viewing conditions can take time, but if you stick to your social strategy and ideal video sizes, you're on your way to creating social video content that will captivate any audience.