
Instagram, thrives on high-quality imagery and video. Understanding and adhering to the correct dimensions for your content is crucial to maintaining a polished and engaging profile. Proper image and video sizes ensure your posts are displayed optimally, enhancing visibility and maximizing engagement.

Instagram Post Dimensions

Instagram supports various post formats, each with specific size requirements:

Square Posts Ideal Size: 1080 x 1080 pixels (1:1 aspect ratio)

Usage Scenarios and Best Practices: Square posts are the most classic and versatile format on Instagram, making them a popular choice for a variety of content types. Their 1:1 aspect ratio allows for a balanced and symmetrical appearance, which is crucial for creating a cohesive and visually appealing profile grid. Many brands and influencers rely on square posts to maintain consistency in their feeds, helping to build a recognizable visual identity.

From a functional standpoint, square posts are ideal for numerous types of content:

Product Images:
Square posts are excellent for showcasing individual products, especially for e-commerce businesses. The symmetry of the format draws attention directly to the product, making it stand out in the feed. It’s a format that works well for both single items or small collections, giving a clean and polished look.

Quotes and Text-Based Content:
Inspirational quotes, announcements, or any other text-based content thrive in this format. The square shape ensures that the text is easy to read, while the balanced structure prevents any important information from being cropped out. Using vibrant backgrounds and contrasting fonts further enhances the post’s visibility in the feed.

Artwork and Creative Designs:
Artists and designers frequently use square posts to display their creations, as it provides equal space for the artwork, ensuring none of the elements feel squashed or cut off. This is particularly important for visual creatives who want their work to be seen in its entirety.

Food Photography:
For food bloggers or restaurants, the square format provides an opportunity to highlight dishes with a focus on detail. The uniformity of square posts allows for close-up shots that can make the food look even more appetizing and visually compelling.

Even though square posts aren't as large as portrait ones, they can still be effective for headshots or close-up portraits. They create a natural frame around the subject, keeping attention focused on the face or expression, which is key for personal branding or influencer posts.

Optimizing for Quality:
To ensure the best quality, it's crucial that your square images are at least 1080 pixels wide. This prevents Instagram from compressing the image too much, which can lead to blurriness or pixelation. High-quality images also give your profile a professional appearance, which is vital for businesses or personal brands looking to make a strong impression.

Additionally, consider the use of borders or overlays to further enhance the visual appeal of your square posts. These design elements can help to add contrast and uniqueness to your feed, making it more memorable to viewers.

Scheduling and Consistency:
If you're managing an Instagram business profile or personal brand, square posts offer a simple way to maintain consistency. Their uniform size allows you to plan your feed aesthetically, ensuring that your grid looks cohesive. Many social media managers and influencers create specific posting schedules around square posts to develop a consistent brand narrative.

By using tools like Planly, you can easily pre-plan your square posts, ensuring that your grid remains visually balanced and that your audience knows when to expect fresh content.

By following these best practices, you can make the most out of square posts, using them to build a strong and visually cohesive Instagram presence.

Ideal Size: 1080 x 1350 pixels (4:5 aspect ratio)

Benefits for Showcasing Vertical Content: Portrait posts leverage the vertical space on Instagram's feed, giving your content a larger, more prominent presence. Because portrait posts take up more space on the screen, they tend to hold viewers’ attention longer, leading to higher engagement. This format is ideal for showcasing full-length photos, such as fashion shoots, where you want to capture the entire outfit, or for vertical product displays that need to highlight more detail.

The 4:5 aspect ratio is key to making your post more eye-catching, as it fills more of the user’s screen compared to square or landscape posts. This added visibility often encourages users to stop scrolling and engage with your content. Whether you’re a brand displaying new products or an influencer sharing a look, portrait posts help present your content in a way that feels immersive and visually appealing.

Additionally, portrait posts work well for storytelling through images. They give you more vertical space to guide the viewer’s eye from top to bottom, making it easier to convey a message or highlight key details in a single frame. With the right balance of composition and subject placement, portrait posts can significantly elevate the impact of your feed.

Landscape Posts

Ideal Size: 1080 x 566 pixels (1.91:1 aspect ratio)

Suitable for Panoramic Shots and Group Photos: Landscape posts are perfect for wide-angle shots, panoramic views, or group photos where you want to capture a broader scene. With a 1.91:1 aspect ratio, they take up less vertical space on the feed, making them ideal for showcasing expansive landscapes, large gatherings, or wide environments without cutting off key elements.

When using landscape posts, it's important to keep the main subject or focal point of the image centered. This prevents crucial parts of the photo from being cropped when displayed in the feed. Whether you're capturing a scenic sunset, a group of friends, or a wide product display, landscape posts provide a balanced way to share wide-format visuals without losing important details.

Instagram Stories Dimensions

Instagram Stories Dimensions
Photo by Pete Pedroza / Unsplash

Ideal Size: 1080 x 1920 pixels (9:16 aspect ratio)

Importance of Filling the Screen for Maximum Engagement: Instagram Stories are designed to cover the entire screen, making them a powerful tool for grabbing attention. To maximize engagement, ensure your content fills the entire screen, avoiding any empty spaces. Use vibrant visuals and clear messaging to captivate viewers and encourage interaction.

Instagram Reels Dimensions

Ideal Size: 1080 x 1920 pixels (9:16 aspect ratio)

How Reels Differ from Standard Posts and Their Placement in Feeds: Reels are short, engaging videos that appear in the Reels tab and user feeds. They share the same vertical format as Stories but focus on quick, entertaining content. For Reels, create visually compelling videos that fit the full vertical screen, utilizing features like text overlays, music, and effects to enhance engagement.

Instagram Video Dimensions

Instagram accommodates various video formats:

Square: 1080 x 1080 pixels (1:1)

Portrait: 1080 x 1350 pixels (4:5)

Landscape: 1080 x 608 pixels (1.91:1)

Recommendations for Video Quality and Length :  To ensure high video quality, upload content at the highest resolution possible within these dimensions. Keep videos concise to maintain viewer interest—ideally, under 60 seconds for feed videos. For Reels, focus on short, engaging content to capture attention quickly.

Additional Image Types

Image Size
Image Size

In addition to posts and videos, Instagram includes several other types of images:

Profile Pictures

Ideal Size: 320 x 320 pixels

Best Practices: Use a clear, easily recognizable image or logo. The profile picture appears as a circle, so ensure the crucial elements are centered and not cropped out.

IGTV Cover Photos

Ideal Size: 420 x 654 pixels (1:1.55 aspect ratio)

Best Practices: Design a compelling cover that represents the content of your IGTV video. It should be engaging and visually appealing to attract viewers.

Instagram Ad Sizes

Overview of Ad Dimensions for Various Formats: Instagram ads can be in square, portrait, or landscape formats. Ensure your ad visuals are high-quality and adhere to the recommended sizes for each format to avoid display issues and ensure effectiveness.

Tips for Maintaining Quality

Maintaining high quality for your Instagram content is essential:

Importance of Adhering to Recommended Sizes to Avoid Pixelation: Uploading content at the correct dimensions helps prevent pixelation and ensures sharp, clear visuals.

Suggestions for Editing Tools and Techniques: Use graphic design tools like Adobe Photoshop, Canva, or similar software to crop, resize, and enhance your images and videos. These tools provide features to maintain aspect ratios and optimize content for Instagram.


Adhering to these guidelines helps avoid issues like pixelation and distortion, ensuring your posts are both visually appealing and engaging.

Experiment with different formats and dimensions to find what works best for your audience. Embrace these practices to keep your Instagram profile looking professional and captivating.

Call to Action

Struggling to manage Instagram image dimensions and post scheduling? Plan your content effortlessly with Planly! Share your experiences and any tips you’ve discovered in the comments below. Find out how Planly can help streamline your content management and save you time!