Creator Studio for Instagram is a free Facebook desktop app that can be enjoyed by those who have a Instagram business account on. In the words of Meta, "it brings together all the tools you need to manage your social mediai content effectively, on all your Instagram pages and accounts".

In addition, it is good to support for the digital strategy, since it also It makes it easy to take advantage of monetization opportunities that you can opt for through its new features.

Initially, the Facebook Creator Studio was developed. On July 2, 2019, the functionality of Instagram was incorporated, which allows making video and photo publications in the feed (for now it does not work with Reels). It also allows you to manage Instagram influencer marketing and brand collaborations, with the advantage of managing all your Facebook pages and Instagram accounts from the same site.

It works with iOS & Android, although, given the completeness of its options, it is more comfortable to use it with the computer.

How to use Creator Studio for Instagram?

How to use Creator Studio for Instagram?
How to use Creator Studio for Instagram?
  1. The first step is to open a Facebook account if you don't already have one. The Creator Studio desktop will link it directly, and from there you can connect to your Instagram Business account (if you haven't upgraded, you'll need to take the step to enjoy the full potential of this tool).
  2. Open the Creator Studio for the Facebook panel by clicking its icon. You will find it in the top menu directly (or you will have to look for it in the “publishing tools” section).
  3. Enter Instagram through Creator Studio. Have you already located the icon of this social network? You'll see it next to Facebook... all you have to do is click.
  4. Connect the accounts and confirm that you authorize all members of your Facebook page to access your Instagram profile.

How to Schedule Instagram Posts from Creator Studio

Whether you are going to launch something in your feed, or if you want to create a post for Instagram TV, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “create publication” option.
  2. Choose the Instagram account you want to share on.
  3. Add your content, from the computer or from the Facebook page, respecting the limitations of characters, mentions, and hashtags in the case of the text (2200, 30, and 30, respectively). In the case of the video, it is also necessary to include the title and description of the video, as well as a representative image of its content.
  4. Decide if you want to simultaneously post to your Facebook account (you can do this by clicking on that option).
  5. Publish instantly or schedule for the near future or for the medium term (the range of time possibilities for your content ranges from 10 minutes after scheduling to 5 months after).

To improve your Instagram marketing strategy, you are bound to have an organized content strategy. One of the tools that we like for that purpose is Planly. It’s a social media with features such as scheduling posts, stories, reels, carousel posts, and much more. It’s an easy-to-use, powerful tool that will help you create content more professionally.

How to post and schedule IGTV videos directly to Instagram?

With Instagram Creator Studio you can now post and schedule IGTV videos as well as all other wall posts.

Remember that to publish IGTV videos, until now it was necessary to have an external application through which to upload the videos. But, with this new Creator Studio option, you can directly upload IGTV videos from Instagram.

How to schedule and post IGTV videos to Instagram with Creators Studio?

All you have to do is upload your video to Instagram Creator Studio from your computer or mobile. Then you have to add the necessary details, such as:

  • Video title with keywords
  • Video description
  • Cover image

Once you've added those details, you can choose to share a one-minute preview on your Instagram feed as well as your Facebook page. Also, you can post your IGTV video immediately or click the “schedule” option next to the post button.

This way of publishing favors that your content can reach a greater number of people and that you can maintain a content strategy including IGTV.

How to integrate Creator Studio into your Digital Marketing Strategy?

 Digital Marketing Strategy
Digital Marketing Strategy

Instagram Creator Studio is a very valuable tool for brands and content creators since it facilitates part of the implementation of the digital marketing strategy. As we have seen, it brings together the key tools to achieve your goals on all your Instagram creator accounts and business accounts.Using Instagram Creator Studio in conjunction with a free AI Instagram caption generator provides a comprehensive solution for content planning.

How to monetize with Creator Studio?

Facebook Creator Studio offers good tools make money on Instagram, as well as allowing you to track your earnings and manage payment settings. In order to use them, you must meet certain eligibility criteria and, when you do, you will have access to:

  • instant items
  • fan subscriptions
  • Paid Online Events
  • ad breaks
  • Instagram brand collaborations
  • Community Partner Payments

In the “Monetization” tab you can manage the collaborations of your brand. To access this feature, you must have:

  1. An active public account.
  2. 10,000 followers.
  3. Constant participation during the last month.
  4. No history of content violations.

Analysis tools

Creator Studio for Instagram offers you 3 analytics tools, the content library, and activity and audience stats . Let's review the metrics you can access with each of them. They will interest you!

Metrics provided by the Content Library to understand the performance of your publications depending on the type:

  • Number of comments
  • Instagram engagement rate
  • number of impressions
  • I like it
  • Organic reach achieved
  • Number of saves

Key Instagram KPIs metrics to understand how your content is performing that you can access with Activity Insights

  • Publications made in the last 7 and up to 90 days.
  • Interactions made with your account: visits to your profile or to your website, emails, calls and messages received.
  • Discovery: reach and impressions of your posts on Instagram.

Don't forget that Instagram Creator Studio's discovery data and growth metrics are the most interesting aspects of this account type. You'll be able to see growth charts that you can drill down to for detailed information on which posts are attracting followers and which are receiving low engagement.Knowing the right Instagram photo size is crucial for maximizing the visual appeal of your posts when using Instagram Creator Studio.

Also, in the growth graph, you can click on a particular day and then see detailed notes about the posts you shared that day. This method allows you to clearly see which content is performing better compared to others, as well as study trends related to the type of images, text, and Instagram hashtags you are posting that are having high engagement.

To get a detailed profile of your users and focus on future publications, content calendar, and also the general strategy that you are going to carry out within the platform, you need to monitor the Audience Statistics

  • Total number of followers
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Active times in the tool: days and hours

All data is displayed with graphics, very visual, and easy to interpret.

How do I use Instagram Creator Studio on my phone?

To use the dashboard on mobile, download the Creator Studio app for iOS or Android.

What is the difference between Business Suite and Creator Studio?

Business Suite and Creator Studio
Business Suite and Creator Studio

Business Suite and Creator Studio are two very similar tools for programming social networks with the difference that the latter will give you more detailed statistics and that it includes monetization options.

Business Suite is new (2020), so it is highly likely that both Facebook Creator Studio and Facebook Business Manager will end up integrated into the Facebook Business Suite in the future.

Depending on your needs, it will be easier to make the right choice. If you need great detail of your statistics and manage collaborations from the same tool, I recommend you opt for Creator Studio. But, for use without the aforementioned features, both are good options.

That is why, perhaps, the best alternative is not to choose and use both platforms to take advantage of the greatest benefits of doing so, as long as you are clear about the objectives to pursue with each of them.

Have you signed up for Instagram Business? When you do, it won't be long before you take advantage of the advantages that Creator Studio for Instagram provides you. Experience a new way of working with your posts , manage, monetize and measure your content on your Instagram accounts and share it in comments.