If you want to increase the number of views of your posts and, most importantly, the number of followers on TikTok, which has 1 million daily active users, you are on the right blog.

This platform, which has maintained its activity and importance since its inception, has attracted even more interest after 2020. Because of the pandemic situation, people have become more interested in online platforms. TikTok was a great opportunity for them, especially Generation Z, to have fun.

Later, when business owners realized that the best platform for the mass gathering was TikTok, more was developed on this platform.

How to attract more followers on TikTok?

How to attract more followers on TikTok?
How to attract more followers on TikTok?

If you want to increase your audience, you can't do it right away. This is a process and you have to do some work along the way. If you do this work more creatively and as your audience wants, you will get positive results in a short time.

What to know how to get free followers on TikTok?

Define your audience

The first thing you need to do to increase your audience is to identify your target audience. Because you will achieve the desired result by defining and understanding your target audience. What you need to do for this:

  • How old are your followers?
  • In what area do your followers live the most?
  • What are they doing?
  • How is your family situation? Married, single, or have children
  • What are the areas of interest of your target audience?

You first need to determine if your product or content is interesting to your audience. Are they having fun watching your videos or learning new information? You will know the answers to these questions by their reactions. According to Statista, the majority of TikTok users are Gen Z.  If your product is just for them, you can say that you are ahead in this business.

There are many TikTok trends now. But you don't have to be involved in all the trends. You can simply find out which trend your audience is most interested in and act on it. TikTok trends are a great way to set your brand apart from your competitors and share a bit more of your brand's personality.

Use Hashtags

Use Hashtags
Use Hashtags

Is it important to out TikTok hashtags? The answer is an absolute YES! It's important to use TikTok hashtags, as they can get out of your audience. Hashtags can help the TikTok algorithm decide who will be more interested in seeing your content. This allows users to join in on trending or relevant conversations using the right hashtags. Thus get more followers on TikTok.

Engage With Other TikTok Creators

Remember that TikTok is a social network like any other platform. There are many TikTok users who share the same niche as you. Don't be afraid to work with them and discuss new ideas regularly.

One of the features of TikTok is that you can open live broadcasts with other users and shoot duet videos with them. This increases followers on TikTok.

Join the Challenges

How to get free followers on TikTok in a day?

One of the ways to become famous and gain followers on TikTok is to join the challenges. Because in this way your content is exposed to a larger audience, as well as the number of likes, comments, and views increases. After participating in these challenges, you can tag TikToks with appropriate hashtags, which can increase the number of views of your videos by others.

Often brands themselves create a challenge and encourage people to do it. For example, in 2020, the #Oreo Challenges became very popular at that time. The main goal was to entertain people during quarantine and make their days memorable. ”The food dance”, and” The Invisible Transition” is just one of them.

Use Popular audio
Use Popular audio

If joining challenges is not for you, you can easily enjoy the music on-trend. You can make your product entertaining with that song or soundtrack. If you want to get more views on TikTok be consistent in the type of content you publish. Remember, even if you put entertaining sounds into your video, it should make sense for your brand.

Respond the comments

You can set a time during the day to respond to TikTok comments. Followers have this feature: if you answer their questions and comments, they will feel more special. This will help to get more followers on TikTok and keep your existing ones.

Plan to go live day

One of the best ways to attract followers on TikTok is to open live broadcasts. In this way, you will be in constant contact with your audience, you can organize a Q&A with them, demonstrate your product, as well as play various games.

P.S. One of the upcoming TikTok updates is a selective Live option allows you to decide the audience of live broadcast.

Post at the right time

If you want to gain followers on TikTok, the posts you share must have certain times. Which, these times are general and you need to determine the best time to post on TikTok.

According to statistics, the most engaged hours on TikTok are between 6 AM to 10 AM and 7 PM to 11 PM. This is just general. You'll need to dive into your account's analytics to learn when your followers are the most active and find out what your best-performing videos are. When your followers are more active, you can share the post at that time.

Plan out your content calendar

Once you've set the right sharing time for your posts, you're ready to share them. Maybe you're not online at the appointed time and need to share an urgent post. Here Planly, with its TikTok content scheduler, will help you. You open your posts in Planly and schedule TikTok posts in the section related to your TikTok account. So Planly shares your post at the time and date you marked it.

Create your content in advance

We already know that it is important for TikTok to constantly create content. To do this, your weekly and monthly post content must be ready. You can brainstorm with your acquaintances or followers. This will give you new ideas and you will not go beyond your niche.

How do I become creative on TikTok?

No matter how many different products you have, if you want to gain followers for your product from TikTok, you need to have some fun and creativity. Because this is the essence of this platform.

Share an educational video

If you share useful information about your product, it will be positively received by the audience. Also, if you use trend music and hashtags along with this information, your number of likes on TikTokwill increase even more.

Celebrate special occasions

Don't forget to congratulate on special days and share a post about them. You can even make it creative by shooting your own video.

Run a contest

To do this, create a hashtag about a contest you want to hold and share it with your followers. Give them a job that you think is appropriate. Like in every platform, contests are very effective to get more followers on TikTok.

You can then determine the winner based on a random or post like the majority. Just imagine and do it!

Join a viral craze (or create your own)

The key here is to enjoy what you are doing. Otherwise, the audience will be rude. You can join the viral by dancing or creating a new trend yourself

Who is the most followed person on TikTok?

Who is the most followed person on TikTok?
Who is the most followed person on TikTok?

Khaby Lame, a 22-year-old Senegalese living in Italy, has reached 142.6 million.  Lame became famous for using TikTok's duet feature to react to extremely complex "life hacks". He carried out the task and silently, his big eyes and frustrated eyebrows took a universal position to provoke the wrath of the audience.

Its final content was further refined, and it was expanded to collaborate with sketches and other creators. The campaign, led by TikTok user Noah Glenn Carter to capture Lame at the top, was accompanied by the hashtag #khabytonumberone.


If you want the right audience and more followers on TikTok, your content must first be of interest. If you want your audience to see your product, the content you create must be appropriate to their level. As we said at the beginning of the blog, it takes a lot of time and effort to get a good result.

Film TikToks and schedule with Planly. The rest will come 🤓