Imagine that you have created an excellent post on Instagram. It can be a photo, video, carousel, reel, or story. If you didn't share them at the right time, the result of what you did will definitely be a less impactful.
In the best case, you will have a low Instagram reach. To reach the right audience, you need to find the best time to post on Instagram. In this way, you will reach the right audience, and your post will get a lot of impressions. The main nuance of increasing likes on Instagram is to know the best time to post.
We will talk about the best time to post on Instagram in this blog. Let's take a look at its evaluation factors. The main nuance of increasing Likes on Instagram is to post the right time.
How to find the best time to post on Instagram?
This indicator refers to the time your followers are active on Instagram. You can get these times from Instagram analytics. The first rule is that you know this.
Because it shows your Instagram engagement with real data. For example, in the profile you see, followers are most active at 9 PM. Therefore, it will be more correct if sharing is done at 21:00.
The value of your posts
The next factor is the relevance of the content. This refers to when that content is useful to people. For example, if you post about your nighttime routine, it doesn't make sense to share it in the morning. It is best to share at night.
Your followers’ demographics and interest
When you post on Instagram, you should also consider the age of your followers. Of course, this can be obtained from the Instagram insights section. With this, you can understand their age-appropriate lifestyle.
For example, an 18-year-old college student spends the first half of the day at college, but a 40-year-old parent may be at home or work during those times. If your post is for young people, it is better to post it in the evening; if it is for parents, it is correct to post it in the morning or afternoon.
Days of week
Along with the hours of activity of your followers, it is also possible to determine the day when they are most active. With this, you will know the best time to post as well as the best day to post.
The goal of your post
Do not forget that the more you post on Instagram at the best time, the more your followers will increase day by day. Thus, their activity times and days will also change. You should check the insights section regularly, every 2-3 weeks, and be aware of the changes every time.
When is the best time to post, according to Instagram?
With the change in the Instagram algorithm, there have been some changes in post timing for creators. After these changes, we have to pay attention to certain things when posting on Instagram.
- The algorithm analyzes "signals," or information about the post, on Feed and Instagram Stories.
- "Time of posting" is one of the most important signals the algorithm takes into account when ranking posts on a user's Feed.
- On the Instagram Explore page, the algorithm analyzes signals like as the volume and rate of likes, comments, and shares, and saves for a post.
- On Instagram Reels, user likes, comments, and interests are especially influenced by the algorithm.
In order to determine the best time to post on Instagram according to the Instagram algorithm, several factors are taken into account.
Post before Peak Time
All the information you need is written in Instagram analytics. Therefore, you can easily find the pick time there and post before the pick time on Instagram.
Know where your target audience is located
Simply put, if you live in Berlin and your audience is in New York, you should post at a time that matches their location. For this, again, you will be able to find the information you need in Instagram analytics. Or, in another version, find out where most of your followers live and post accordingly to post with the right time zones.
Post consistently
According to the Instagram algorithm, the more active you are on the platform, the faster Instagram will get your posts in front of people. Therefore, to be active, you need to post regularly.
By using Planly's "Follower’s online activity" analytics, you can auto-post scheduling reels, photo and video posts, Instagram carousel posts, digital flipbooks and Instagram stories at the times when your users are most active.
This feature analyzes your Instagram account's engagement history to pinpoint when your followers are most active. By identifying these peak periods, Planly enables you to schedule your posts for the times when they are most likely to be seen and interacted with by your audience. This strategic timing not only increases the visibility of your posts but also enhances the potential for likes, comments, and shares, driving up your overall engagement rate on the platform.

When is the best time to post on Instagram?
Best time to post on Instagram, we present to you by days of the week.
Best time to post on Instagram on Monday
Between 9 AM and 8 PM. The peak time is 11 AM to 3 PM
Best time to post on Instagram on Thursday
Between 8 AM to 9 PM. Peak time is 10 AM to 4 PM. Engagement rate is at its highest at 7 PM.
Best time to post on Instagram on Wednesday
7 AM to 8 PM is the best time to post on Wednesday. It peaks between 9 AM to 6 PM, with engagement rate being at its highest at 11 AM.
The best time to post on Instagram on Thursday
8 AM to 9 PM is the best time to post on Thursday. Engagement rate is at its highest between 10 AM to 5 PM and 6 PM to 9 PM
The best time to post on Instagram on Friday
Friday is the 2nd best day of the week to post. 7 AM to 5 PM is the best time to post on Instagram, with the peak being between 9 AM and 3 PM. For the highest engagement, post between 10 AM to 12 PM
The best time to post on Instagram on Saturday
Although engagement rate is lowest during the weekend, on Saturday it is at its highest between 8 AM to 2 PM on Saturdays. 9 AM to 12 PM is the peak
The best time to post on Instagram on Sunday
Compared to the other days of the week engagement rate. is very low on Sundays. But if you post between 8 AM to 3 PM you will generate some engagement.
The mentioned times are just statistical data. But each account is unique. Also, depending on the format of the post, the best times can be different.
What is the best time to post Instagram reels?
As we know, video marketing is more effective than written content on social media. When creating Instagram Reels, you can increase Instagram reach by using trending music and relevant Instagram hashtags. Additionally, this can help boost your engagement rate by encouraging more interactions and visibility on the platform.
- Monday: 6 AM, 10 AM, 10 PM.
- Tuesday: 2 AM, 4 AM, 9 AM.
- Wednesday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 11 PM.
- Thursday: 9 AM, 12 AM, 7 PM.
- Friday: 5 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM.
- Saturday: 11 AM, 7 PM, 8 PM.
- Sunday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 4 PM.
What is the best time to post stories on Instagram?
According to the Influencer Marketing Hub, the stories posted during the week bring more views. Normally, because people do more stories on the weekend, the number of views goes down.
What is the best time to post live on Instagram?
The best time to post Instagram Live, all things considered, is at 12 PM or between 7 PM and 9 PM from Monday to Friday.
Going live on Instagram can be a great way to connect with your followers, but timing is everything. Imagine that when you go live, your followers are at work or class; even if they wanted to, they couldn't participate.
What is the best time to boost engagement on Instagram?
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are the ideal days to post on Instagram to increase engagement in the media industry. The hours of 1 PM to 5 PM or 8 AM to 9 AM are the best times to post on those days.
Best time to post on Instagram for different industry
- The best time to post on Instagram for Food and Beverage: 8 AM and 8 PM EST on Wednesday for comments, and Sunday 8 AM EST for likes
- The best time to post on Instagram for Entertainment: 4 PM EST on Thursday for comments and 11 PM EST on Saturday and Sunday for likes
- The best Times to Post on Instagram for Educational Organizations: Monday at 8 PM
- The best Times to Post on Instagram for Healthcare Companies: Tuesday at 1 PM
- The best Times to Post on Instagram for Non-Profit Organizations: Tuesday at 3 PM and 9 PM
Time to post!
There is no clear answer to the question of what is the best time to post on Instagram. Because it depends on many factors like your target audience, what you are trying to achieve with your posts, your Instagram algorithm, and more. However, we have provided some tips to help you get started.
- Use the Insights tool to find out what specific time your followers are most active on Instagram. This will tell you when your audience is online and how often they engage with your content.
-When planning your posts, consider what hours of the day will be more profitable for you to reach your target audience. If you have a global audience, try posting at different times of the day to see which gets the most engagement.
-Remember that peak hours for social media vary depending on where people live and the type of business you run. Do some research and try different shipping times to see what works best for you.
Planly Can Help!
Forget checking the best times all the time! With Planly, we show you the best time to post directly on our calendar in the dashboard for each social media channel.