Planly now integrates seamlessly with Zapier, allowing you to automate your social media workflows and connect Planly with thousands of other apps. Simplify your social media management, save time, and enhance productivity by automating repetitive tasks.

zapier social media integration

Why Integrate Planly with Zapier?

  • Automate Routine Tasks: Automatically schedule posts, manage content, and track engagement without manual intervention.
  • Connect with Thousands of Apps: Integrate Planly with your favorite tools like Google Sheets, Slack, Trello, and more.
  • Boost Productivity: Spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on creating engaging content and growing your audience.

Key Features of Planly's Zapier Integration

  • Auto-Schedule Posts: Automatically schedule social media posts from any app connected to Zapier.
  • Content Management: Sync content from your preferred content management system directly to Planly.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Receive instant notifications on Slack, email, or your preferred communication tool when your scheduled posts go live.
  • Data Sync: Sync analytics and performance data from Planly to Google Sheets or any other reporting tool for seamless reporting.

How to Set Up Planly with Zapier

  1. Sign Up for Zapier: If you don't have a Zapier account, sign up at
  2. Connect Planly to Zapier: In your Zapier dashboard, search for Planly and connect your account.
  3. Create Your First Zap: Choose a trigger app (e.g., Google Sheets) and an action app (Planly) to create your workflow.
  4. Customize Your Workflow: Set up the specific actions and conditions to tailor the workflow to your needs.
  5. Activate the Zap: Turn on your Zap and watch as Planly and Zapier automate your social media tasks.

Popular Workflows with Planly and Zapier

  • Google Sheets to Planly: Automatically schedule posts from new rows in Google Sheets.
  • RSS Feed to Planly: Auto-publish new content from your RSS feed to your social media accounts.
  • Trello to Planly: Schedule posts based on new cards or updates in Trello.
  • Slack to Planly: Get notifications in Slack when a post is published on your social media accounts.

Get Started Today!

Enhance your social media management with the powerful combination of Planly and Zapier. Start automating your workflows today and experience the convenience of seamless integration.

Need Help?

Visit our help center for detailed guides and support, or contact our customer support team for personalized assistance.