TikTok has taken the world by storm, providing users with an exciting platform to create and share short-form videos. With the growing popularity of TikTok, the platform has evolved to provide more features to its users.

One of these features is TikTok Direct Messages (DM), which enables users to connect with their friends and followers on a more personal level. This blog will provide a complete guide on TikTok DM, including how to enable DM on TikTok in 2023.

We'll cover everything you need to know about TikTok DM, so you can use Messages TikTok DM to connect with your TikTok community.

What is a TikTok DM?

TikTok DM stands for TikTok Direct Message, a feature that allows users to send private messages to one another within the TikTok app. It enables users to have private conversations with their friends, share videos, and exchange text messages, photos, and other content.

With TikTok messages, users can also interact with other users and build a private community within the app without having to share their content publicly. So, if you want to know how to DM someone on TikTok, you must enable TikTok DM first.

How to enable DM on Tiktok?

To enable Direct Messaging on TikTok, go to your profile, tap the three dots in the top right corner, select Privacy and Safety, then toggle on the "Private Account" option. This allows only your approved followers to send you TikTok DMs.

TikTok has placed particular guidelines for sending Direct Messages, giving users more control over who can and cannot message them. This enhances the overall user experience by making it safer and more tailored to individual preferences.

TikTok DM privacy settings

TikTok offers several privacy settings that help users control who can send them direct messages on the app. Here's a quick overview:

  • Everyone: By default, anyone can send you DMs on TikTok. To change this setting, go to your profile, tap the three dots in the top right corner, and select "Privacy and safety." Then, select "Who can send you messages" and choose "Friends" or "Off" to restrict DMs to only people you follow or turn off DMs altogether.
  • Friends: If you choose the "Friends" option, only people you follow and who follow you back can send you DMs.
  • Off: If you choose the "Off" option, no one can send you DMs on TikTok.

It's important to note that even if you turn off DMs, other users can still reply to your comments or duets and mention you in their videos.

How to use TikTok DM for networking?

TikTok's direct messaging feature can be a valuable tool for networking and connecting with other users on the app. Here are a few tips on how to use TikTok messages for networking:

  • Find users in your niche: Use TikTok's search function to find other users who create content in your niche or industry. Follow them, engage with their content, and send them TikTok direct messages introducing yourself and your work.
  • Collaborate with other TikTok content creators: TikTok is an excellent platform for collaborations and partnerships. Use TikTok DMs to reach out to other creators and propose a collaboration idea. Be clear and concise in your message, and provide details about the collaboration, including what it entails and the benefits for both parties.
  • Join group chats: TikTok allows users to create and join group chats with other users. Look for group chats in your niche or industry and join them to connect with other like-minded creators. Be respectful and contribute to the conversation positively.

Remember, it's essential to be respectful and professional and follow TikTok messaging etiquette. Avoid spamming or being too pushy, and be mindful of other users' privacy and boundaries. With the right approach, TikTok DM can be a valuable tool for building relationships and growing your network on the app.

How to use TikTok DM as a marketer?

Using TikTok for business is a very effective method and has many possibilities. As a marketer, you can use TikTok Direct Messaging to communicate directly with your followers and potential customers. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Build an influential TikTok account

Make sure you have a well-branded TikTok account with a clear message and aesthetic that appeals to your target audience. Therefore, you should pay close attention to your TikTok profile picture, TikTok bio, and username. So, when you use TikTok DM, the other party first checks your TikTok business account.

To actively use your TikTok account, you must constantly share videos and communicate with your followers. For this, you can make multiple TikTok videos and share them at the appropriate time of each.

Sharing posts manually can be overwhelming if you have many tasks. In this situation, TikTok scheduling tools are here to help. Our recommendation is to use Planly. Thus, through Planly, you can schedule your TikTok videos, duets, and stitches.

Also, the difference between the Planly TikTok scheduler from other tools is that it does not send any notification when TikTok videos are auto-posted. You can create a Planly account and schedule your videos according to the best time to post on TikTok.

Engage with your followers.

Respond to comments and DMs on TikTok, and interact with your followers on TikTok genuinely and authentically. If you run your business on TikTok, your customers will make requests with TikTok Direct Messages. You can increase your TikTok engagement by writing appropriate responses to each of them.

Offer exclusive promotions

You can use TikTok DMs to offer your followers exclusive promotions, discounts, or early access to products. Thus, with just one TikTok message, you can acquire new customers and increase your sales.

Share behind-the-scenes content

You can share different content, such as product development or sneak peeks, to give your followers a more personal experience with your brand. This way, your brand will be more special to them, and their interest in your videos will increase even more. Of course, it is possible to do this with TikTok messages.

Personalize your messages

So use the messages you will write in TikTok DMs by writing them with the individual name of your followers, making them feel more valuable through TikTok DM.

TikTok DM tips and tricks

Here are some tips and tricks for using TikTok's DM feature:

Send messages to friends

You can use TikTok DM to message your friends on the platform. To do this, go to your profile, click on the three dots in the top right corner, and select "Inbox" to access your messages.

Start a group chat

You can start a group chat if you want to chat with multiple friends. To do this, go to your inbox, click on the "+" icon in the top right corner, and select the friends you want to add to the group.

Use emojis and stickers

You can add emojis and stickers to your messages to make them more fun and expressive. Simply click on the smiley face icon next to the text box to access the emoji and sticker options. You can also delete your DM messages.

Send photos and videos

You can also send photos and videos through TikTok DM. Simply click on the camera icon next to the text box and select the photo or video you want to send.

Turn off notifications

You can turn off notifications in the settings if you don't want to be notified whenever you receive a message. To do this, go to your profile, click on the three dots in the top right corner, and

  • Select "Settings and privacy"
  • "Notifications"
  • "Direct messages."

Block or report inappropriate messages

You can block or report the user if you receive inappropriate or offensive messages. To do this, go to the message and click on the user's profile picture. From there, you can select "Block" or "Report."

TikTok DM best practices

You can learn more about different methods of TikTok DM by using best practices about TikTok DM.

Be respectful

When sending messages on TikTok to other users, be respectful and courteous. Avoid using inappropriate language or engaging in conversations that could be seen as offensive or disrespectful.

Don't spam

Avoid sending multiple messages to the same user if they don't respond. This can be seen as spamming and may result in your account being reported or blocked.

Use the right tone

Depending on the context of your message, use an appropriate tone that matches the situation. For example, if you're reaching out to a potential collaborator or sponsor, use a professional tone.

Keep it short and sweet

Most TikTok users are busy and receive many messages, so it's essential to keep your messages short and to the point. Avoid sending long messages that might be difficult to read or respond to.

If you want to share a link with someone over TikTok DM, ensure it's a reputable source, not spam. Avoid sending links to suspicious websites.

Time to TikTok DM!

TikTok DM is a great feature that allows users to connect and communicate with others on the platform. Whether sending a picture or video on TikTok DM, joining a TikTok DM group or receiving TikTok DM notifications, this feature has become an integral part of the TikTok experience.

It has enabled users to build connections and communities and will undoubtedly continue to play an essential role in the future of TikTok.