Top Instagram Scheduling Tips: Throwbacks, Latergrams and More

Timing on Instagram is like cooking—too early or too late, and your dish (or post) won’t have the same effect. Whether you’re diving into Throwback Thursday or posting that Latergram, knowing when to share can make or break your content’s engagement. Let’s jump into some timing tips that can help you get the most out of your Instagram posts.

The Importance of Timing Strategies
Posting at the right time can change everything. If you post when your audience is awake, scrolling, and ready to engage, you’ve already won half the battle.
The Impact of Good Timing. Instagram’s algorithm loves content that quickly gains likes and comments. And who doesn’t want to be loved by the algorithm? Use Instagram Insights to learn when your followers are most active. You’ll know exactly when to post for the best results. Simple, right?  

Handy information - Use Instagram Insights to determine the best times to post on Instagram in 2024. Log in to your personal or business account and go to your profile. Tap the three-line menu icon in the top-right corner and select "Insights." Under the "Total Followers" section, find the "Most Active Times" option. This panel shows when your followers are most active by day and time. Use this data to schedule your posts at optimal times. Make sure to regularly monitor the data to keep track of follower behavior.

Throwback and Time-Based Content

Everyone loves a good throwback. It’s like finding an old photo of yourself—nostalgic, a little cringey, but hard to resist. Instagram trends like Throwback Thursday and Flashback Friday tap into this exact feeling.
Throwback Thursday (#TBT).  #TBT is your time to share the good old days. Maybe a photo from when your brand first started, or a memory from a successful campaign. For example, Coca-Cola often shares vintage ads to remind people of their history. Nostalgia works, plain and simple. People engage because it feels familiar. And guess what? It makes your brand relatable.
Flashback Friday (#FBF). Didn’t catch Thursday? No worries. Flashback Friday has your back. It’s another chance to get your audience reflecting on the past, but right before they head into the weekend. Smart brands use this to keep engagement going into Saturday. It’s like that one last cup of coffee on a Friday afternoon—it keeps you going.
Latergram. Okay, so you missed the real-time post. No big deal. That’s where Latergram comes in handy. Post that picture a day later and keep the momentum alive. Brands use this all the time. If you attended an event but didn’t get the chance to share live, Latergram saves the day. Better late than never, right?

Seasonal and Special Day Strategies

Let’s talk about seasons. People love special occasions, and your Instagram should too. The holidays, special events—these are your golden opportunities.
Holiday and Special Day Posts. Take Starbucks as an example. Every fall, people go crazy for their pumpkin spice latte posts. It’s a seasonal thing, but it works every year. Why? Because it’s timely, it’s relevant, and it taps into what people are already excited about.

Global Calendar and Time Zones. Got a global audience? Make sure you’re posting according to different time zones. You don’t want to post something meant for the morning when half your followers are already winding down for bed. Keep an eye on global holidays too, like Earth Day or World Mental Health Day. Your audience will appreciate the thoughtfulness.

Weekly and Daily Routine Content

Routine keeps us sane. It also keeps your Instagram feed alive. Posting on specific days with consistent themes keeps your audience engaged.
Posts Based on Specific Days. You’ve probably seen #MotivationMonday or #WellnessWednesday. These aren’t just fun hashtags—they’re ways to create reliable, weekly engagement. People know what to expect, and they come back for more. Think of it like your favorite TV show—same time, same day, you’re there.
Creating Regular Content Series. A weekly series is like a favorite book with chapters that drop every Monday. It keeps people hooked. Whether you’re a fitness brand posting workout tips or a food brand sharing recipes, regular content keeps your followers coming back. They know what to expect, and they love it.

Engagement and Timing-Based Strategies

Want real-time interaction? Timing can make a huge difference.

Real-Time Marketing. Ever notice how some brands seem to post the perfect thing at exactly the right moment? That’s real-time marketing. For example, Patagonia is known for posting during environmental events. They keep it relevant and timely, which grabs attention. You can do the same by tapping into current events or even viral moments. It’s like joining the party when it’s in full swing.
User-Generated Content. This is your chance to let your audience do some of the work. Encourage them to share their own content with your brand’s hashtag. It’s like hosting a potluck—everyone brings something to the table, and it’s a win-win. Your followers feel involved, and you get fresh content to share.                           Pre- and Post-Launch Content. Launching something new? Build anticipation with pre-launch posts. People love a good countdown. Once your product is out, follow it up with celebratory posts. Brands like Starbucks do this flawlessly with their seasonal products, keeping the excitement alive before and after launch.

Instagram Scheduling Tools

Consistency is the name of the game. If you want to keep hitting those golden times to post, you need a scheduling tool                                                                              

Planning and Scheduling Tools.Tools like Planly let you schedule posts so you never miss a beat. You can plan ahead, set your content to go live at the best time, and then sit back and relax. It’s like setting an alarm to wake you up at the perfect moment—except now, your content is waking up your audience.

Wrapping It Up
Timing on Instagram isn’t about luck—it’s about being strategic. Whether it’s jumping on Throwback Thursday, syncing with a holiday, or using scheduling tools, when you post can be just as important as what you post. So, the next time you’re about to hit “share,” take a second and think: Is this the right time? Because the right post at the right time? That’s Instagram gold.